The Residents Wiki

The Residents - The Feast Of Epiphany

12 days

Front cover of the "12 Days of Brumalia" cd.

"The 12 Days of Brumalia" is an album released by The Residents. All the tracks on the album were originally downloadable tracks from 2003-2004. It was released as a limited edition of 1,000 copies in 2004.

Track Listing[]

- Day 1

- Day 2

- Day 3

- Day 4

- Day 5

- Day 6

- Day 7

- Day 8

- Day 9

- Day 10

- Day 11

- Day 12

- The Feast of Epiphany


- The first 475 copies had faulty covers, the front cover and inner tray background were reversed, and were printed without a black plate.

- The tracks on this album had different names when downloadable tracks, the list being...

- Partridge Pairing

- Turtle Dove

- Chicken of the Oui

- Calling Bird

- Golden Ring

- Lying Goose

- Swami Swan

- Maid being Milked

- Wiggling Wahines

- Leaping and Lords

- Pieta Piper

- Big Hand

- The Feast of Epiphany

- Untitled (Bonus Track- Download Only) 
